Modern Imperialism, the American Revolution, the Industrial Revolution Britain

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England became a pioneer of modern imperialism because ...a. shortages of raw materials, local marketing, and investmentb. want to run the ancient motto of the European imperialistc. countries in Asia and Africa needed British protectiond. the industrial revolution has affected the French and American Revolution.
The purpose Europeans came to the Americas was to ...a. looking for new areas to establish coloniesb. the colonies used to be the colonyc. seek freedom in practicing their religion and politicsd. looking for a salable commodity trading in Europe.
Background that led to the emergence of tensions between the British colonies in America is ...a. Americans for territoryb. the American tradition of freedom of the pressc. rules and regulations are violated by coloniesd. presence of high customs duties on imported goods.
People who play a role in the declaration of independence of the United States is ...a. Thomas Paineb. Thomas Jeffersonc. George Washingtond. General Burgoyne.
Effect of declaration of independence of the United States for human rights including the ...a. human beings have a right to liveb. human right to be fought for independencec. man is not free to seek happinessd. Human rights are not unlimited.
Effect of the implementation of the Proclamation of Independence of the United States including, but ...a. against nations that colonizedb. growing spirit escape from invadersc. the right of nations can not be foughtd. inspired the struggle of colonized peoples.
Industrial Revolution influence on social life in Britain is ...a. growing populationb. change the way of lifec. labor income increasesd. population is difficult to breathe fresh air.
As a result of the Industrial Revolution to the colonized nations were ...a. improve welfareb. birth of capitalism in the coloniesc. increasing industriald. gave birth to modern imperialism.
The role of Benjamin Franklin in the American Revolution is ...a. as a great commander and the first president of the United Statesb. figures that make up the Declaration of Independencec. writers who evoke the spirit of the American Colonistsd. ask for help European countries to support America.
Expropriation of rural land by the capitalists, among others result ...a. farmers do not own agricultural land then berurbanisasib. accumulation of agricultural lands by the local authoritiesc. many crimes in big citiesd. the emergence of the communist groups, socialists, and liberals.
The growth of industry in the UK since the 19th century hampered by ...a. does not have a strong navyb. does not have an extensive coloniesc. lack of basic materials for industriald. less support from the government.
One of the negative consequences of discoveries in the field of technology is ...a. with the machines found many people who become richb. the discovered machines, industrial hand evolvedc. machines replacing human labor, thereby increasing unemploymentd. onset of the poor workers.
Judging from the political, background migration to North America British society is ...a. people want to get on the new welfareb. king absolute power so that the people want freedomc. King Henry VIII suppressed Puritan society that embraced Christianityd. America is considered as a promising prosperity.
Effect of the Declaration of Independence for the world below, except ...a. the onset of the French Revolutionb. birth of democraciesc. award for human rightsd. United States became the leader of NATO.
The Industrial Revolution was ...a. changes in processing goods using human power to mechanical powerb. changes in the status of ownership of agricultural land in the UKc. welfare change efforts better life and decentd. fall of king Henry VIII by the united strength of the people.
The Industrial Revolution began in England ...a. abundance of raw materialsb. increasing the breadth of the colony in Englandc. discoveries in the field of technologyd. development of capitalism in England.
The emergence Vlaanderen and Italian immigrants to the UK to motivate the establishment of the country ...a. steam engine factoriesb. manufacturing capitalistsc. home industryd. agricultural industry.
Group that supports the social revolution in Britain is ...a. the workersb. the bourgeoisiec. the capitalistsd. intellectuals.
The following points are the ways of the capitalist profit maximization, but ...a. buy raw materials cheaplyb. pay wages are relatively smallc. stock markets are muchd. provide capital to the weak.

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