embodiment of cultural

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The members have different opinions about the existence of culture, among others:
1. Koentjaraningrat exists an opinion that culture include:
a. As a complex of ideas, the ideas, values​​, norms, regulations, and so on.
b. For a complex activity and patterns of human action in society.
c. As things work of mankind.

2. According J.J. Hogman, there exist three cultures, namely:
a. iDEAS
b. Activities are
c. artifact.

Culture can be grouped into two, namely:
1. Abstract culture, is the ideal of cultural existence. This ideal exists much stored in essays, books, CD's, movies and other media files.
2. Patterned concrete cultural nature of human action in society, which can be seen, observed, photographed and so on. According Koentjaraningrat, concrete nature of culture with social and physical system consists of:
a. Behavior, is a certain way of acting in certain siatuasi
b. Language is a symbol system that sounded a voice and caught the ear
c. Material, is the result of human activity and the paper acts in society.

Classification of cultural elements from the smallest to the largest are:
1. Items, which is the smallest element in culture
2. Trait, which is a combination of several items
3. Cultural complex, which is a combination of several items and trait
4. Cultural activity, which is a combination of several cultural complex.

A combination of several cultural activities produce cultural elements that comprehensive. The onset of the elements of culture through discovery and Invention.
- Discovery is the discovery happened indirect or incidental, which were not previously available.
- Invention is the discovery of the intention to acquire new things.

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